
Grace Worden is a fine art photographer based in the Midwestern United States. She pursued an education in photography and environmental studies at the University of Kansas, where she earned her BFA in Design. In May 2024, she graduated as a recipient of the Mauer Oswald Award in Design. She has resumed her studies at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln as an MFA student.

Worden is primarily interested in how visual art functions within environmental communication efforts. Her recent research and creative works center on the Great Plains and its rural environments. Many of her photographs document landscapes that exist as both home and habitat. In her most recent body of work, No Place Like Home, she uses the apparatus of large format film photography to investigate the complex connections between place, identity, history, memory, and ecology in Kansas.

Worden has received three Undergraduate Research Awards and additional funding from the Center for Undergraduate Research at the University of Kansas for this work. Several photographs from the series have been featured in solo and group exhibitions at the Kansas Union Gallery, Edgar Heap of Birds Family Gallery, and Phoenix Gallery. 

Gallery Representation:

Phoenix Gallery, Lawrence, KS.